Sophia Jiaqing Olivo

DOB: August 8, 2007
Yangxi County, Guangdong Province
Yangxi Social Welfare Institute
Location: Iowa City, Iowa

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sophia slept the whole night through. I guess she most be feeling better. This morning, she also drank her full bottle of formula. We were so happy about that. We went walking along the Pearl River. We saw old people exercising and dancing with different music.
In the afternoon, we went shopping to Carrefour, and then went to this other building to make the adoption official. Went to Lucy's for dinner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God bless you on this amazing journey in China! We at home are praying for you! Thanks for sharing about your journey. I've been checking in often to see how the group is doing! Your precious daughter is beautiful! What a wonderful family!! -Roxanne (Oregon Bethany Social worker)